Family Life is a unit under Counselling Department in the hospital where Natural Family Planning (NFP) is taught. The unit was started in 1980 and continued as a Centre for NFP teacher’s training until early 2000. Services continued on a small scale. In 2014 it was reinstated and has continued up to date. It is located at the Doctor's Plaza main hospital 2nd floor Suite 7 and clients can be attended to in all Medical Centres on booking. There is a huge knowledge gap with regards to NFP which with correct information, most people would appreciate and embrace it as it has no side effects and it strengthens the marriage bond.
Natural Family Planning is a way of life in which properly instructed couples can plan to achieve or postpone pregnancy without using devices, chemicals, drugs or surgical procedures. NFP is based on scientific facts about the menstrual cycle, fertility and infertility. NFP methods are based on the observation of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of a woman’s menstrual cycle
N/B: Natural Family Planning is NOT safe days, beads, counting or calendar method because ovulation does not occur always on the 14th day of your cycle, it can occur as early as the 7th day of your cycle depending on the hormonal balances and the length of the cycle. NFP is NOT withdrawal method since one can easily conceive because the pre-ejaculatory fluid contains some sperms which can travel up and fertilize the egg.
Contacts: 0206903231, 0732163231, 0719073231