A &E patients present with potentially life threatening symptoms such as headache, chest pain, abdominal pain, collapse of unknown cause and severe injury. Such patients have pressing need(s) and may present without prior appointment. They may also report to the unit on their own or by ambulance. It uses a triage system of screening and classifying clients to determine their priority needs and to measure patient care efficiently and is usually done by a qualified nurse. Some of the groupings include:
Once the nurse at triage assess all patients presenting to the A&E she/he transfers them to a medical officers in the unit who then involves expanded team which include: Paediatrician, Gynaecologist, and COSECSA Registrars for critical decision making. The medical officer on duty may request consultation with another specialist for a patient in the A & E.”Referral to Consultants Clinic or Hospital of Choice”
Procedures offered in the Accident and Emergency Unit.
In case of Emergencies our Emergency Rooms are well equipped with trained personnel and all the required items i.e. Monitors and Vents. Ambulance well equipped with well trained personnel. Other services offered in the unit include:
For more information please call us on: 020-6903050/51, 0732-163050/51, 0719-073051/50